We are in a perpetual state of motion, navigating within the boundaries of a time-based system. Perhaps a more suitable term to describe individuals would be "human doings." In our childhood, our lives revolve around a fixed schedule, guided by the ringing of bells. As adults, we conform to working hours. While the outer world undergoes evident transformations, we often disregard the subtle changes that occur in every passing moment of our precious existence. Each morning, we awaken to inhabit a fresh body, yet we fail to notice the gradual shifts until we confront the impermanence of life.
Change is an enduring reality. Instinctively, we tend to flee from discomfort and the unknown. However, approaching difficulties with compassion and care presents an opportunity to break free from established patterns. Through the intentional commitment of time to practice mindfulness, we can unlock a profound sense of spaciousness that often eludes us in the midst of our busy lives.