Frequently asked questions

What do I need to bring to an in-person class?

You'll find a variety of cushions, blankets, and chairs available for your convenience. However, if you prefer, you're welcome to bring your own meditation accessories. To enhance your experience, we recommend wearing clothing that allows you to feel at ease and relaxed. Above all, the key is to simply show up with an open mind and a willingness to embrace the practice. Your presence and receptiveness are what truly matter.

How do I stop my mind from wandering during meditation?

Start by recognizing that you are not alone in this experience. Countless individuals embark on a meditation journey due to incessant thoughts that seem unyielding. Mindfulness meditation, at its core, aims to cultivate awareness. By approaching the wandering mind with compassion and accepting the impermanence of thoughts, the grip of recurring mental chatter gradually loosens. Through consistent practice, we become attuned to patterns in our thinking and develop the ability to embrace thoughts without suppressing or overanalyzing them. See The Middle Way to learn more.

What are the benefits of a mindfulness practice?

The benefits of a mindfulness practice are strength, stability, and clarity of mind. Some practitioners also report that they are less “reactive” in everyday life. Current research suggests that a regular mindfulness mediation practice may help alleviate stress and anxiety,

Are the meditation classes guided?

Every class begins with guidance to ease into the environment, fostering a sense of calm and presence. Whether the attendee is a first-time participant or a long time practitioner, they are encouraged to approach the session with a beginner's mind, open to new experiences. A period of silence follows, providing the space for awareness to blossom and unfold naturally. The structure of the class will often depend on the environment and duration of the class.